As Canadians, we walk into foreign countries with our own colored glasses. Our worldview adds a certain tinge to everything we see, hear and feel while travelling. It only becomes more pronounced when we start talking about ministry.
We don't understand the history, culture or nuances of the people we speak to. Their lives are their own, a complex amalgamation of everything that has happened to them. It's why we work with local people on the ground who understand intuitively the challenges that Moldovan's face each and every day.
Above is Sergiu (Sergei), one of the staff members of Beginning of Life. He acted as our guide, our translator and he quickly became our friend. Through the thousands of questions we asked over the past week, Sergiu offered us priceless insights into the unseen currents flowing underneath.
These are workers who open doors, and while we await our final flight over the Rockies, they are ministering in Moldova, working tirelessly in the schools, the urban centers, the House of Change, the Dream House, the Early Childhood Center, the Social Assistance center and more.
Their boundless passion exudes through not only their words but the sacrificial way they serve the people God has entrusted for them. They set a grueling standard for advancing the Kingdom of God and exemplify what it means to move mountains with out faith. By any standard, the darkness that confronts them each day is paralyzing, yet they stand defiantly as lighthouses in an ocean of night.
They have challenged us, inspired us, made us laugh, and acted as our guides. While we are no longer there, we will join in battle with them and lift Moldova up in prayer to see the revolution that is needed. Each and every one is playing a pivotal role in not only the coming social revolution, but claiming the country for the more important spiritual revolution.
Thank you to each and every one for your hospitality, your patience and your passion. You have inspired us to bring that same passion home to identify and meet the needs in our own community.
Lastly, I have to give special mention to Sergiu. You not only made sure we were comfortable and able to encourage those in the country, but you have become our friend. Your jokes, poking and singing pop songs will stick with us. Carry on the good work, and know that you don't do it alone!
And so ends our Discovery Trip. You have followed along with us, and no doubt will have many stories and pictures ahead of you with family and friends. I hope it inspires you to action, to not only take in the beautiful story God is telling in Moldova, but to join with out brothers and sisters and support them in prayer and ministry. Maybe you'll come along next time we go and play your own part in the story.
We don't understand the history, culture or nuances of the people we speak to. Their lives are their own, a complex amalgamation of everything that has happened to them. It's why we work with local people on the ground who understand intuitively the challenges that Moldovan's face each and every day.
Above is Sergiu (Sergei), one of the staff members of Beginning of Life. He acted as our guide, our translator and he quickly became our friend. Through the thousands of questions we asked over the past week, Sergiu offered us priceless insights into the unseen currents flowing underneath.

Thank you to each and every one for your hospitality, your patience and your passion. You have inspired us to bring that same passion home to identify and meet the needs in our own community.

And so ends our Discovery Trip. You have followed along with us, and no doubt will have many stories and pictures ahead of you with family and friends. I hope it inspires you to action, to not only take in the beautiful story God is telling in Moldova, but to join with out brothers and sisters and support them in prayer and ministry. Maybe you'll come along next time we go and play your own part in the story.