This week, I'm on a trip with HillCity Church to see the work of Beginning of Life, one of Partners International's ministry Partners.
The past year has been a journey of discovery, of rebirth. Like any journey worth embarking upon, there have been moments of great pain, of triumph, of soul wrenching sorrow. Times where my soul was being cleft in two, separating the most intertwined emotions and beliefs.
And I'm strong for it. I am on a journey, not to be strong of my own accord; nor to make my own name known. It is a path that truly leads to weakness in all things.
On the surface, a trip to a country like Moldova seems like the grandest of adventures. You have an opportunity to project the hero, to view the deepest, vilest dungeons of humanity first hand and judge them in kind. You can make sweeping statements that pull on heart strings of those left behind.
Yet there is something disingenuous about that.
The reality of the darkness is that I am only one light. Not to be discounted in any way, but one soldier in the tide of battle. The work here has been ongoing, and I come to see the trenches that have been dug, meet the soldiers who fight on the front lines, and Lord willing encourage some of the wounded.
I am thankful that this is my reality. That I alone cannot claim dominion over any darkness, but that in my weakness He is strong. That I can join hands with my brothers and sisters to hold our torches high and shine the welcoming light that is within us into the darkest of nights.
The week ahead will hold many surprises. Things that I know will break me, that will inspire me, enrage me and hopefully embolden me. I hope you'll see some of God's heart come through my words.
Stephen, praying for you. There is much truth in the statements you are making. We are observers, and often once or two-time participants alongside these amazing heroes of the faith who are on the front lines every day engaging the darkness to bring light to dark places.