When the first astronauts launched into orbit, they talked about the total shift in perspective. We were no longer a set of borders and countries, but one small blue globe amidst a huge black tableau. It no longer mattered what colour your skin was, your education or your background. We were all together on a small spaceship hurtling through a vast emptiness.
Here we are, decades later still struggling with wars, disease and other preventable things. Some cause by racism, some by fear and others are allowed to thrive simply because we are too selfish to reach out a hand to help.

International travel gives us a small glimpse into what those astronauts understood with a glimpse. No matter your geographic location we are all human, struggling in this journey of life.
What a blessing it is when we are able to give back and come alongside brothers and sisters who are making a real, tangible difference in this world. Today we were given such an opportunity. The Church planting couples from the adopt a village program gathered together for their monthly meeting and training, and the incredible people from the c4 church were able to share from their vast wealth of experience.
Simple struggles like wanting to take a break over Christmas but struggling with the expectations on pastors to be present and ministering. Complex problems like a young woman deeply struggling in her marriage and attempting suicide. It doesn't matter where you live -- we share a common bond in being human.

At some point you have to stop and wonder why we haven't come alongside these incredible individuals earlier. Young couples giving of their lives to spread the gospel and also teach basic life skills to completely transform the lives of rural individuals. While we cannot do the work directly, teaching them basic counselling techniques and how to guard themselves against burnout are valuable ways we can share from lessons and research from our modern life that have real impact on their way of life.
Without these individuals, we would never have the opportunity to meet little guys with more personality than a picture can fully express.

More than anything you learn from reading these posts, I hope it is this. God loves all people everywhere, and He has called you to make this world a better place. It does not require eloquent speech, deep wisdom or endless wealth. It only requires you to be willing to offer a helping hand and respond.
Try it once and you'll never be the same. Even better, you'll be a part of God's story to renew this world and heal it of the deep brokenness sin has ripped in the fabric of the world.

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